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Blog: Part 2.2 – Solutions for Energy Losses

Blog: Part 2.2 – Solutions for Energy Losses
In response to President-elect Trump argument for the rebirth of ´clean´ coal I want to show why market forces will reject it. It is generally believed that fossil fuels contain a lot of energy, but did you know that just in the power plant they need to go through 5 processes to convert the fuel into usable electricity? A big amount of energy is lost in each one of these processes and in the transmission to the cities making the output energy just around 30% of the input. Furthermore, power plants require secondary processes such as Ash disposal, pumping cooling water, maintenance, cleaning, etc.

Blog: Part 2.1- How to match Demand with Supply using Demand Side Response and Energy storage

Blog: Part 2.1- How to match Demand with Supply using Demand Side Response and Energy storage
I’m gladly surprised by the interest received for Part 2 of my ´Energy Challenges’ article. Unfortunately, there is too much interesting information so the article has ended up being too long. For your convenience, I´ve split in three subparts. Same as in part 1 (LINK), I will try to offer the conceptual solutions to each of the challenges and my plan is to publish further posts on real cases. In saying so, please feel free to suggest projects that you know of or questions regarding my proposed solutions.